La Fondazione Italiana del Notariato è da alcuni anni impegnata in progetti co-finanziati dalla Commissione Europea relativi al settore di ricerca e formazione di ampio respiro internazionale, in collaborazione con altri Notariati europei, Istituzioni, Univerisità, Enti di ricerca, Fondazioni e Associazioni sia italiani sia stranieri.
- GoInEU Plus: Integration, migration, transnational relationships. Governing inheritance statutes after the entry into force of EU succession regulations
- EUlawInEN: EU law training in English language: blended and integrated content and language training for European notaries and judges
EU-MRPP: EU cross-border matrimonial and registered partnerships proceedings : EU regulations and e-learning
- GoInEU: Governing Inheritance Statutes after the Entry into Force of EU Succession Regulation
- Kosovo: Support to Free Legal Professions and the Bar Association
- Training professionals on EU successions: e-tools for a smooth implementation of the new regulation
- Towards the entry into force of the Succession Regulation: building future uniformity upon past divergencies
- Europe for Notaries, Notaries for Europe
- Improving cooperation between judges and public notaries in cross-border civil matters
- Knowledge of European Law as a means of combating transnational organized crime